Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I believe... I appreciate... I enjoy

I believe: God loves me more than I can ever comprehend.
I appreciate: The law as it shows me what pleases Him... and what doesn't.
I enjoy: Doing the right thing. I believe it brings a smile to my Father's face.

I believe: God created marriage for one man and one woman.
I appreciate: The challenges of the gay community, but I just don't see it allowed in the Word.
I enjoy: The thought that someday I may get to enjoy marriage again.

I believe: Music has almost as much healing power as medicine.
I appreciate: A nicely done guitar riff, drum hit or keyboard sequence.
I enjoy: Acoustic guitar, classical rock and just about all music that has good lyrics.

I believe: We were created to work hard.
I appreciate: Seeing people who are fulfilled in their work and working with excellence.
I enjoy: Meeting my customers' needs.

I believe: Cars and trucks are made of metal, plastic, glass and rubber. They move stuff from one point to another. They have no meaning by themselves.
I appreciate: Fine sports cars and fancy luxury cars for their style and engineering.
I enjoy: Driving my truck on cooking oil and planning on taking it to half a million miles or more.

I believe: Man was created for fellowship with others and that includes accountability.
I appreciate: Small groups of believers who have loved each other for years (see also: Christian Life Fellowship in Mer Rouge)
I enjoy: Connecting with other believers on a spirit level, much deeper than just visiting.

I believe: We should be good stewards of our planet.
I appreciate: The challenge of balancing business and the environment. It CAN be a win/win.
I enjoy: Figuring new ways to use what some would consider waste.

I believe: No one is all good, no one is all bad.
I appreciate: Seeing people catch the vision that God wants their lives to be better that it has been.
I enjoy: Helping others connect with God a little better than before.

I believe: The Cross of Christ is the centerpoint of faith.
I appreciate: Other religions, but don't have to agree with them.
I enjoy: Thinking about how Jesus took my place on death row.

I believe: Sin is real... and it is deadly.
I appreciate: Folks who downplay sin, but fear they are missing the point.
I enjoy: Grace that overpowers sin.

I believe: Good quality costs money, usually more money.
I appreciate: The newest styles, but see them as fleeting and therefore not very valuable.
I enjoy: Quality and classic styles that last for a long, long time.

I believe: We buy mediocrity with excellent marketing while excellence sits in your neighbors garage due to a lack of marketing.
I appreciate: The challenges of taking a good idea to market.
I enjoy: Talking with others who look for novel ways to get things done.

I believe: Different people have different gifts.
I appreciate: Watching those who can take a small business and grow it really big. I'm just not one of those people.
I enjoy: People over profits.

I believe: Relationships take effort, but are worth it.
I appreciate: My friends, both new and old.
I enjoy: Connecting with an old friend and picking up where we left off.

I believe: Everything I need to know is in the Bible.
I appreciate: Other views such as the metaphysical and such... but if it was really important, God would have written about it in the Word.
I enjoy: Growing deeper in what I know to be true through the Word. The rest is just interesting non-essential information.